Wednesday, May 9, 2012


11 more days to go until commissioning!!!!!  I can't believe I am doing this deal.....I recieved my non refundable plane ticket last week.  My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I recieved it.   I am really going to, let me restate that I am MOVING  to KENYA!!!!
I have 4 weeks after commisioning to pack and say my goodby's. 
I once more ask for all your prayers as I really need them.
I'll end this with  asante kwa msaada wako na maombi!!!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Jambo!!! I am so excited about starting this blog and being able to share my adventures with all of you...  I will be finishing up this formation program in two weeks and then I will have a few weeks to prepare for my move to Kenya. 
I have tons of stuff to do before I leave, but I also want to spend the time with my family and friends.
The closer my departure date gets the more excited and more anxious I become.  I have tried talking to many people about what to expect, but I think no one can truely prepare me for an experience so foreign to me, it's one of those things that I will just have to 'go with the flow'...  anyhow I will keep you all posted and really hope you follow me on this journey..  Please keep me in your prayers, I really need them.  Love to all Kath

Lay mission helpers theme song!!!